Friday, September 9, 2011

>Open/Thoughts In The Sleepless Night.zzz

>There is so much sadness amongst the pixals of my past. Without the darkness we can never see the light. And if we couldn't survive pawing our way through the dark... How would we deal with the blindness caused by our reality's nuclear brightness? My brain is a master at rationalizing the unrationable and over analyzing nothing. I just cannot ever let go. Sometimes the silly worry that plagues my present, is the one memory I think would be best forgotten... Erased. I admire the harsh truth that this knowledge was intended. It creates so much inner turmoil. Self-doubting... with it having nothing to do with me, it was the convinence of the moment. Arrived and gone in moments. I never want to think on it again... But it now has a hold of me forever. How can I not stare and wonder? I know it is only my mind helping me.... but my mind is very good at tricking me. Its illusions of my worse fears are so easily brought to reality. It is hard not to lay in the darkness and wonder "if". If anything, it is nothing and will always be nothing. I will make certain of that. Now if only I could erase a single line of data. One discovery to be undiscovered. Nieveaty, man would it be a slice of bliss. I wish I could force myself not to think on these particular things but when someone is your life, one doesn't get much of a choice. So I lay eyes upon my bed-mate, companion and a smile is born because I love him so much and I feel so ashamed of any digressions, it will always hurt. That is part of the pain endured when love is tested. If I was numb to it, it wouldn't be real. I know now the difference between infatuation and love. And I almost let infatuation win to ruin everything. With love, things are not story book perfection or butterflies, but with life... imperfections are the creators of beauty in everything. Without change there is no life. Moments are frozen in our minds forever but they are but a reminder that we live, each day knowing we only know what we know until we learn something more, until another moment is frozen inside. I live my life and it can only get better... Until the zombie apocalypse, of course, them I am fucked.

Friday, July 15, 2011

> Open/Insomnia.zzz

Been awhile... My luck, as good as ever, by good I mean the usual wtf. Nothing too hate life about. Only real complaint is feeling like a half cacti, half gelatinous cube with fur, one eye and bad disco outfit. Oh, and not being able to sleep. Even now... Laid here... In both manners, still no shut-eye.

Drove across town in the loverly summer heat, with a clear goal in mind. Obtain copy of Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows part 1 for the hubby so we can go see part 2 this weekend and he won't be confused. There are 3 video rental stores left in my city (having been laid off from one of the three chains that once was.) And while not exactly a perilous journey... it is never short of idiots trying to summon my road rage demon. So Mr. Blue Ford decides to cut me off... I decide to let it slide on my glorious payday. So vroom vroom more idiot drivers weaving traffic making me scared. Then Mr. Blue Ford decides to slam his breaks, for no apparent reason, good thing I don't tailgate. After this he precedes to go 15-10 miles slower than the speed limit... Annoying, no ability to pass. Get to left turn... Light is green arrow, he slams on breaks then goes about 5mph... This time a more obvious reason. He is staring at some lady mowing a church lawn. Now I am not one to get in the way of love, but dude was fucking with traffic! Rednecks are very confusing. The female in question wasn't within 100 miles of sexy dressed either. Maybe it was the lawn mower... Mr. Blue Ford, went 15 under until I could finally pass him... And boy was he scary, like serial killer scary.

Got to video store... One copy of movie left. Very happily strolled to counter beaming with joy... To realize, I had forgotten my wallet  (I am sure he had crawled out to take a breather.) So I scuffle to the back of the store to put the movie back where I found it. A lady reached for it shortly after I put it back, I growled at her like an puppy protecting its food bowl, retracting her hand quickly in confusion she hurried away... Came back 35 minutes later and my movie was still there. :)

I guess being a pink haired weird girl can have its inconsistent advantages.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


>I was at my mom's house today working on and editing project. Her 135lb St. Bernard and my 15lb Chi/Jack Russel Terrier go outside with my step dad to do doggie stuff.

Couple minutes later they frolic inside, Nomi my one-eyed puppy pirate goes and plays with her toys. Hero, my mother's St. Bernard, quickly flumps over to her blanket... drooling more than usual. *Slurp*gulf*squish*slurp* As she makes a lot of disgusting mouth noises and drops something lumpy and brown on the floor and starts chewing on it. My mother sees it, screams, Hero puts it back in her mouth. My mom grabs Hero's drool face and pries her jaws apart to grab the what can only be assumed to be a large chunk of cat shit. Scenario as follows:

*Mom with drool covered lumpy brown item, assumed to be cat poop, screaming obscenities catches the attention of my step-dad.*

Step-Dad: "What's wrong? What's going on!?"

Mom: "Hero had shit in her mouth from outside."

Step-Dad: "What? How? What kind of shit is it? Dog shit or cat shit?"

Mom: "It is shit! I don't know what kind of shit it is! It is fucking disgusting!"

Step-Dad: "Well sorry!"

Mom: "And I think it was moldy... and it was huge!"

My parents are hilarious... xD

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

>Open/Nerd Rage.srsly

>Allow me to introduce myself, I am Kyukyu. You can call me Kyu or Zombivy. I am a nerdy gamer and one very powerful magnet of the "wtf/omg/lmao seriously" situations. Now most of my life I have seen this as a flaw. Because... if it can go wrong... it usually does. However... I think it is becoming my own super power.

I was inspired to share my stories because of blog Hyperbole and a Half. I certainly plan to illustrate some important aspects of the tale with visuals. Once I have the ability to (my lap-top is currently vacationing in tornado ally, he is on holiday, I've been rough on him he deserved some rest and relaxation). Also, I enjoy swearing and being vulgar... just to warn you.

>Today I had I had a bad nerd rage... worst in a long time. In a series of events I manage to fall and smack my head on something leaving a nice upside down T. This is how it went...

Fell asleep on couch, wrapped in the warmest blankets with a dog curled up by my legs and a cat on my head. The couch... also conveniently right in front of our old school wall heater that blows one direction. That's right a direct blast of heat.

Woke up drenched in sweat and a mouth full of cat hair, with my phone going off like crazy and very angry Japanese blaring from the TV. Thinking the world was ending as I usually do when waking up I panicked. Flinging animals off of me I jump up landing my pretty right foot in a nice cold steaming dog turd... "Fucking really dog? I have been asleep 2 hours." Being pissed mumbling about how she went outside and did business right before the nap I hop toward the bathroom to splash into a carpet puddle. Love the feeling of frigid dog piss between my toes. Yeah... just like that. Sometime between the piss and shower I manage to hit my head... I really am not sure of what. Fell and BAM!

Let Nomi dog out and... of course... she books it (very unusual) over across the street. "OMG MOMMY IS GOING TO MURDER ME!!! EEEeeeeeeeee!!!!"

Me without shoes runs out on the frozen ground, trying to get her to return to the yard... not daring venture into the sharp rocks of foot death to physically grab the little shit. But of course there had to be a little old lady who wanted me to tell the epic tale of my dog's one eye in shoutaneeze...

"She is the dreaded One-eyed Pirate Nomi! While pillaging the high seas she avoided the scurvy but, alas, it be the fork of a drunken sailor that took her eye!"

True story.

Then my phone rings some more... I try to answer the thing to have it chime at me explaining I do not have service... of course. Now cell phone's and their affiliates know of my deep seeded hatred for talking on the phone so they sure make it as difficult as possible to deal with them. For some reason entering a password wrong twice three months ago on the website make me a security risk who has a banned account. >-<

Finally after about 30 mins of arguing with a world dominating conspiring phone robot who wants me to tell it what I want from it (note: To fuck off and die, is not an available option.) Long ramble/rage short... I have phone service again.

And clean feet.

I am just glad the red upside-down "T" on my forehead isn't a lower case "t" because the next thing I need is to give the general public more of an opportunity to relate my existence with the devil or something. I don't feel like being beaten to death with a Bible or burned. So... *facepalm* *winch* *laugh*